This river is so beautiful, I think I'm in love! Don't tell my boyfriend back in the States...oh wait, I don't have one. That's probably because I fall for sights like beautiful rivers instead of handsome men. I'll need to work on 2 months.
From here we walked around a bit enjoying some pretty parks and what not and taking cute pictures with friends. Oh and lets not forget the classic Laura moment where I somehow manage to get bird poop all over my bag, jacket, and class book before I realize it's even there. Talk about gross! Here's a commemorative photo, who wouldn't want to remember this?
After that we visited Notre Dame and let me say how amazing it was! I mean it was so amazing that it inspired me to watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame. That's pretty impressive considering I don't like to watch that movie because Quasimoto ends up alone, and that's sad. Anyway, here's a few pictures because well, it's the Notre Dame. The first one is me sneaking in, because obviously I didn't want to wait in the long line.
The next one is of the window that Esmerelda finishes her song "God Help the Outcasts" in the movie, because that makes it legit.
After Notre Dame we had to find some lunch (I feel as if I'm constantly hungry here. It's such a problem because I never pack enough food. I guess all the walking I do means that I need constant nourishment. Side note: I'm planning on keeping France's milk economy thriving single-handedly. I drank this container of milk and something that's like chocolate milk, not sure what it really is, in 2 days!)
Anyway, we did a bit more touring, visited a museum of some of the ancient architecture of Paris. I somehow managed to drop 5 euros in one of the displays but luckily the guy at the desk was pretty kind and so he went and got a literally 15 foot long reaching stick to retrieve my money for me. Too kind of him, really. That was the most exciting thing that happened that tour. This was a picture from another church that we visited, it was pretty cool too.
And to top it off, here's a pretty photo of Le Vesinet. I managed to get lost walking home from the train station. I rode home with another girl from class to my train station but we live in different houses. I thought I would be able to find my house since it's only 5 minutes away. And I did!! but it took me roughly 30 minutes to find it instead of 5 because I went the wrong direction from the station. Good news though, I found another pattisserie and bought another baguette (which I dropped on the ground, but ate anyway! yay!) so I wandered around for a long time but the good news is that at least it looked like this (not quite the same as getting lost in provo and wandering around apartments and townhouses...)
So...sorry I don't have any super exciting stories to share really. I didn't get lost today (sunday) but I was with people all day. Um....I'll work on my exciting life and hopefully the next blog will be better :)